Pie Spice, The Flavor of Fall
Gracefully extracting the warming tones of a tropical mango for our Thanksgiving table If you haven’t worked in marketing, you may not be able to empathize with how pressurized it can become – to have to constantly churn out new, creative (and IMO hopefully) useful content. In the food business that means new recipe ideas…
Continue ReadingDía de Muertos
Mi padre es tu padre Para una versión en inglés haga clic aquí Una de las cosas que nos conecta a todos en esta vida es la muerte, la comida es otra. Desde que mi padre falleció hace unos años, me di cuenta que me conecto con ciertas personas de manera más auténtica, especialmente aquellas…
Continue ReadingDay of the Dead
Mi padre es tu padre, celebrate life Click HERE for a version of the post in Spanish One of the things that connects us all in this life is food and certainly thats a big one for me, death is another obvious connector. I noticed since my father passed a few years back that I…
Continue ReadingEmpaque Don Jorge (Agricola Crespo)
Boasting the most efficient and modern mango pack house around Disclaimer: This is a boastful and prideful post about a packing house that I truly believe in. I’m one of a few globally well-traveled industry folks with an extremely diverse make up of commodities, markets, cultures and systems. I have seen a lot of packing houses and…
Continue ReadingCelebrating Mexico & All Things Mango
Bay Area Consumers and Buyers Co-Mingle with Farm to Table Mangoes “The experience of being alongside consumers in this format was so rewarding. It wasn’t about selling or being sold to, so it was natural and easy. Everyone was there to enjoy food (heavily featuring mangoes in all different ways, some obvious and some creative.)…
Continue ReadingMango Merchandising- It Really Works!
Insight and inspiration from Brian Dey, Senior Merchandiser & Natural Stores Coordinator for Four Seasons Produce, Inc. “Mangoes are Fun” Brian Dey stating the truth. We currently inhabit a digital age, where the constant barrage of messaging can feel overwhelming, jarring and a bit manipulative. We crave instant gratification. Easy outlets for this include food…
Continue ReadingIntoxicating Mangoes
Warming up to and with mangoes; through booze My love for mangoes started off rocky. As a young girl venturing into Central America with my family in the late 1980’s, down the Pan American highway through Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and into Nicaragua, I had some run ins with mangoes. Few of those entanglements left…
Continue Reading“It’s Summertime and the Living is Easy”
And I’m told… It’s Gazpacho time! For me, that means mangoes. Today, the title to this post came into my social media feed in the form of an organic industry blog post (It’s Summer Time and Living is Easy). It came by way of my dear friend, organic produce colleague and cooking buddy, Melody Meyer.…
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