Ataulfo Season Ending

Are we every really prepared for good things to end? In recent years, Ataulfo mangoes have become a staple of many mango programs across the USA and Canada. Fruit eaters have warmed to this deliciously sweet and texturally silky mango. The path to increase consumer appreciation has not been easy for the Ataulfo, whose skin…

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The Crespo Big Box!

  A stronger box in the midst of chaos to ease the burden in building bigger displays of #MuchosMangoes A few weeks ago I thought things were tough in our industry. With the Corona virus spreading through the USA at an alarming rate, mango sales and specifically the size of mango displays were not getting…

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Transitioning Regions

Volumes, Quality, Opportunities, Uncertainties, Confusions & COVID-19 Chatter about ‘normal life’ is peppering the air these days: When will we be returning to it? What will it look like when we get there? What’s the economic forecast? …And so on, and so forth. Like pretty much everyone else, I don’t have answers to these particular…

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El Grupo Crespo Proceeds with Caution

 Tiempos inciertos en la cadena de suministro del mango mexicano Link for the article in English Crespo Organic Mangoes continúa cosechando, empacando y exportando mangos orgánicos de las regiones del sur de México, desde los Estados de Oaxaca y Chiapas, aplicando las medidas de precaución necesarias, de acuerdo con la demanda creciente del mercado actual.…

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El Grupo Crespo Proceeds…. with Caution

Uncertain Times in the Mexican Mango Supply Chain Enlace para el artículo en español Crespo Organic Mangoes continues to harvest, pack, and ship organic mangoes from Mexico’s southern regions, Oaxaca and Chiapas, applying the precautionary principles and according to current increased market demands. As the global COVID-9 pandemic unfolds, we are taking prudent safety measures,…

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Empaque Don Jorge II Opens for the Season

Ocozocoautla de Espinosa (Coita), Chiapas, Mexico Last February, El Grupo Crespo opened Empaque Don Jorge II (EDJ II) in Ocozocoautla de Espinosa, Chiapas, or – as the locals call it – Coita.   This is not to be confused with Empaque Don Jorge (EDJI) –  El Grupo Crespo’s original and main packhouse located in El Rosario, Sinaloa,…

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Mexican Mango Season Opens….

Everybody’s favorite mango varietal- the Ataulfo, up first Mexican mango season always opens with small volumes, and this season’s start promises much of the same. Cooperating weather has given way to an “on-time” start with the expected minimal volumes of organic Ataulfos. Growers expect fruit to arrive on US soil around the first ten days…

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Blooms Begin in Southern Mexico

Fall crop update; Ecuador, Peru and Southern Mexico bloom watch Mexico’s organic mango season is a big one. Not only is Mexico the longest and farthest stretching of all the mango regions we import from, but it yields the most consumer demand and highest sales volumes. Now is when we start to monitor growth closely,…

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Mango Mania 2019

  Customers blew our minds with awesome displays of  #MuchosMangoes The Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania #MuchosMangoes promotion is the collision point between Nayarit and Sinaloa peak mango production, happening in the height of consumer demand,  SUMMERTIME. For two months, usually starting to build volumes and displays in June, building up to  gigantic consumer sales…

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Foretelling the Mexican Season Wind Down

It’s  complicated depending on who you ask….. Currently Crespo Organic is on the downside of  peak of Kent season from Sinaloa. The Nayarit region has finished and all packhouses in that region have closed. Our orchards in Sinaloa, which dot the surrounding area of our hometown El Rosario and encircle our main packhouse, Empaque Don…

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