Gratitude for Blooms

A Thanksgiving Mexican mango crop update & overview The upcoming two months hold significant importance in relation to weather conditions and their impact on the early Mexican mango crop in Oaxaca and Chiapas. These months will greatly influence our final crop expectations and overall outlook. It is currently too early to make definitive predictions. However,…

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Cultivating #MangoJoy for Profit

The ROI of Crespo’s Summer Mango Mania promotion  I know I live in a world that doesn’t register ROI in happiness, let alone recognize the monetary value of #MangoJoy.  I am, however, acutely aware that #MangoJoy has value and that when we work together to cultivate it, building comprehensive mango programs that encircle it,  everyone…

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In case You Missed It

Terrible Ecuadoran & Peruvian mango volume predictions The Mexican organic mango season is officially closed at orchard level, and while that’s certainly noteworthy, there’s another pressing issue that demands our attention: the forecasts for Ecuadorian and Peruvian mango production volumes, both organic and conventional, are extremely grim. In fact, they are expected to be significantly…

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Happy Endings, Potent Partnerships

Big & sweet Keitts signal the end, our Mochis family makes it “easy” for us! Los Mochis Keitt mangoes, the late season final varietal of Mexico’s mango season is now officially in full swing, marking these next few weeks the bittersweet conclusion of our sweet, sweet mango season. There is no need to dwell on…

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Rosario Keitt Mangoes

Blush filled end of season crop expectations for Sinaloa (Rosario & Mochis)  This time of year is bitter-sweet for many of us immersed in the abundance of Mexican-produced mangoes. We find ourselves at the beginning of the end, as the Ataulfo mangoes have now finished, and the southern region’s Sinaloa Kents are being picked in…

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Crespo Organic Debuts Opulent Specialty Mango Tags

Educational, Insightful, & Strategic Packaging Mango Queen Specialty Mangoes- Check out the site! I am very proud of the  work we are releasing today with the launch of the new Mango Queen specialty mango line!! I am very proud of the  Crespo Organic Mango brand in general– not just in relation to my work in…

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“Little” Fruit Brings Opportunity

Crespo mango expertise bridges transition into Summer Mango Mania  I’ve been selling organic mangoes for a long time and, as so many of us forget, the greatest season-long program success happens when you nail the transitions. It’s the performance during the transition that dictates what stores have fruit and at what price. Just like in…

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What the Heck is Summer Mango Mania?

Quick answer: #MangoJoy by way of #MuchosMangoes PRICED RIGHT Summer:  the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August Mango: a tropical oval or oblong fruit with succulent and juicy aromatic pulp and firm varying color blush toned skin and a hard central pit Mania: an excessive enthusiasm or desire;…

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The BIG Transition North

Will Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Nayarit line up for a smooth transition? The nature of transition is tricky. Shifting mango production from the southern Mexican regions to the northern ones is often unpredictable and complex. This year we move into with a great deal of positivity and yet a tinge of trepidation. I think the trepidation…

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Empaque Don Jorge Opens in Rosario

Boasting the most efficient and modern mango pack house around Disclaimer: This is a boastful and prideful post about a packing house that I truly believe in. I’m one of a few globally well-traveled industry folks with an extremely diverse make up of commodities, markets, cultures and systems. I have seen a lot of packing…

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