What the Blush?
Secret blush notes of the Sinaloa Keitt Mango American consumers are often misled into believing that high-quality produce is always uniform, season after season. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Not all mangoes are the same, and that’s something to celebrate. Take the Sinaloa Keitts, for example—these mangoes don’t fit the typical image.…
Continue ReadingDuel Zone Prowess & Strategic Partnerships
Macapul & Don Juan gear up for coveted non-treated organic Keitt mangoes Calling this Mexican mango season challenging would be an understatement—it’s been more complex than usual and incredibly tough on the production, planning, and packing fronts. Yet, despite these difficulties, Crespo Organic mango shoppers have enjoyed an exceptional year, with access to tasty, high-quality…
Continue Reading“When It Rains, It Pours”
Mexican mango season battles serious weather-related issues in the final leg If you consider the current global mango season, the saying ‘when it rains, it pours’ fits well. Ironically, it wasn’t the rains that caused issues, until now. Throughout the season, we’ve been monitoring the impact of the severe drought and abnormal temperatures on the…
Continue Reading2024 Summer Mango Mania Events!
Sweet mango-centric something’s for everyone…… Under The Mango Tree #SundayFunday Recipe Drop (Sundays) Every Sunday Nissa publishes a new recipe from the Crespo Kitchen. Every season she Pushes Boundaries and comes up with creative new ideas that are easy to replicate out in the wilds of the world! {Extra}Ordinary Monday #MangoJoy (Mondays) As part…
Continue ReadingMango Update: Embracing Imperfection
Straggling Ugly Mangoes & The First Summer Mango Mania Displays As of this weekend, all packinghouses in Oaxaca and Chiapas have shut down for the season. The last batch of round mangoes was shipped out of our packinghouse, Bola de Oro, last Friday. The final shipment of Oaxacan Ataulfo mangoes had occurred about a week…
Continue Reading{Organic} Transition North
Positive direction forward, propelled by consumers When times are tough, as they have been for the mango industry it’s important to keep perspective, something I can be both good and bad at as stress can get the best of me, just like it does all of us. But perspective is important and there is no…
Continue ReadingPrivate Mango Webinar
Schedule a private zoom or pursue the interactive PDF at your own pace It’s time to promote! It’s time to, engage, excite and entice consumers with all things MANGO! Outside of the stabilizing volumes and downward trajectory pricing, we have all the value added components to BUILD and GROW and SUSTAIN your organic mango programs.…
Continue ReadingMango Difficulties Continue (Crop Report)
Planning, committing, flexibility and a love of small things key to success Currently mango markets are confusing. There is a lot less fruit on the trees in comparison to previous years. While there is fruit available, it tends to be smaller in size. Ataulfos are more abundant (overall) compared to previous years, yet they are…
Continue ReadingA Little Crop Update
Ample tommy volume and little Ataulfo mangoes Sometimes things move quickly despite how slow-moving they seem. I realized this morning that a quick crop report was warranted as crops shift in supply and size. I had intended to put out a more major crop report next week once I had more information that I had…
Continue Reading#CelebrateMexico #CelebrateMangoes
A Cinco de Mayo promotion that celebrates Mexico with mangoes While Cinco de Mayo may not be a major holiday in Mexico, it has become a significant event in the USA, driving sales of Mexican produce items, including mangoes. We recognize the opportunity this presents for us. Our #CelebrateMexico #CelebrateMangoes campaign not only excites and…
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