2022 Crespo Organic Season Starts!
We’ve got good news and who doesn’t love that these days!
Before the new year I gave you my big juicy predications for the 2022 Crespo Organic Mango season and so far things are ringing true. In a string of years where everything is extraordinarily complicated, this feels really good. I know challenges are a normal part of the business but I believe in pointing out and celebrating when the good things happen too. This is one of those rare GOOD news flashes.
Here is the scoop.
Both of the southern packhouses have set opening dates. The Oaxacan packhouse will open this weekend and EDJ II in Chiapas will open next week.
This means we can expect product to be at the border; both Nogales & McAllen, by January 24th. Ataulfos will be first entering the system and the early arrival of Tommy Atkins, landing at border entry points around the 3rd of February, will be greatly welcomed considering all the vessel problems that come with the Peru offshore program.
Volumes, pricing and sizing are all currently being calculated and we expect to have firm data on actuals in all of these categories as soon as we begin first harvest.
Costs across the board are up this season as they are will every commodity. Challenges continue to be vast but we feel confident in our ability to deliver constant quality, pricing, volume and sizing to our current program business with still plenty of room to build more.
Email us for pricing and availability. Info@CrespoOrganic.com
Here is to a fruitful season!