The Crespo Organic Kitchen Celebrates Summer Mango Mania


Muchos mango-centric events are coming. Are you all ready?

Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania is here and The Crespo Organic Kitchen, partnering with Ger-nis are going to make it extra special this summer.  The Crespo Organic Kitchen is essentially the test kitchen for all things Crespo Organic, managed by my company Ger-Nis Culinary & Herb Center ; a small food  education,   sales & marketing  and media company;  specializing in local, organic, fairly traded,   sustainable food and agricultural. Ger-Nis  supports small global growers around the world in with a bevy of services, skills and connections.

In addition to over 20+ years in organic produce, I have over 20 years under my belt in the culinary world, covering a gamut of offerings there as well, including recipe development and food writing as well as culinary instruction and food education to both kids and adults throughout the country.  I have earned my fair share of respect and accolades for not only my mango expertise, but my fresh herb expertise,  which dates back over 25 years–check out My Herbal-Roots  if you are an herb lover!  In everything I do I have a deep focus on  fresh and healthy and most importantly organic.  I live in the Bay Area-  Bolinas, CA to be exact and big portion of Crespo Organic’s mango experiences and events are located out here in the west, mainly because of logistics and what I call my real job -selling mangoes, which basically keeps my ass in a seat in front of a computer from February though August- with a few exceptions of course, I’m only human.  I hope more rapidly expand our Mango Mania events and experiences  throughout the country, but first we have to sell more mangoes and focus on building the brand up and gaining loyal followers and fans for the hard work we do at the farm level as well as in our test kitchen! We wholeheartedly supper the  many customers and consumers  who support us, is what drives and sustains us and we want to bring you our mango fun.

If you are here in the Bay Area this July and want to indulge in one of our mango-centric events or experiences, click the links below for the sweets details. Likewise,  if you want to start planning an event or experience with us for next year, reach out! We love  sharing our expertise with consumers.

Enjoy your summer, eat lots of mangoes!

? nissa