The Crespo Organic Mango Bowl

AI powered mango entertainment (my first)

[This is me, the real me—Nissa.] Below is the article ChatGPT wrote when I asked it to write a blog post for Under The Mango Tree about the experience we’ve been having making an entertainment promotion for Crespo Organic Mangoes. I had the clever idea to use AI to help create an entertaining promotion for the upcoming Superbowl. We get to piggyback off the Superbowl excitement while engaging with our customers and consumers in a fun new way. Normally our social media strategy focus on education, but sometimes its just fun to have fun, and I think this is going to be fun for you, I really like the final outcome and it does the job of keeping the Crespo Organic brand in the limelight during a time a huge chuck of people are fixated on the big game.

I started by asking it to lay out an online marketing promotion designed to simply be entertaining, engaging and educational for mangoes and the brand. I gave it the name- The Crespo Organic mango bowl and told it some general criteria. From that point on I moonlighted as an AI marketing tweaking its work.

I pay for the upgraded service, so it memorizes me and what I feed it so I could go back each night and keep working- tweaking—lots and lots of tweaking. The result is exactly what I wanted, yet nothing like I envisioned.  I learned so much and honestly had a lot of fun. You can see the full promotion over the course of the next few days on the Crespo Organic Instagram (@CrespoOrganic) or watch the intro reel HERE and the Game Day Grub reel HERE. I think you will be entertained and sometimes its fun to provide that!

I normally can’t use AI to  help me write; it totally doesn’t get me, or my voice, my vision and definitely not my weirdness. It often completely misinterprets me.  I supposed that is why   lots of robotic style people also don’t get me- lol. But what I did learn is that if  you have good attention to detail and description ability, like I do and in the marketing arena if  you are well organized and detailed within your existing branding, and if you have ample content to feed “the machine”, it can at the very least spit back something in your brand voice—that can also be entertaining. I think it currently takes significant time and as a graphic designer also, I sometimes felt I could do a better job. But I think AI can stay in brand voice generally better than most humans unless they are embedded working daily in the brand. I genuinely like the AI as an assistant for human work in this case.

Do I believe it can replace  strong factual writing or real food and agricultural images?   Can it create great recipes or creativity that feels more authentic to real life? No. I truly think authenticity is what has the real power. Which is why I am ardent about not using stock photos in food brands or worse for a farm.  It is awful for recipe creation, let alone understanding taste, good taste and general taste. And it literally has a mind of its own.

It completely twisted the facts repeatedly. Insisted on putting a sombrero on the Mexican player, despite my constantly telling it not to. It did eventually learn that I spell mangoes with an E. It used the NFL official logo repeatedly and lost track of the goal so often it was irrigating. It technically knows absolutely nothing about mangoes but believes everything I tell it about mangoes. I’m scared of it, but also know it’s here to stay-  I will learn to use it and I think more importantly manipulate it to my needs.

Generally speaking, it did a decent job at creating a fun entertaining promotion which we seldom do on our mostly education based social media strategy platform. It took my original idea of the bowl and helped me refine it like a coworker and like the boss I am, I had to direct it over and over to keep on the objective, it needed a lot of hand holding.  I can empathize with its desire to never repeat the same art form, but if you told it to recreate what it just did, it never could.

When I fed it  my  mango recipes and photos, the original branding I did for Crespo and the massive amount of talking points, voice and gave it general guidance  and repeated the facts – it put out fun carnival like recipe cards.  I’s inability to stick to task honestly led me down rabbit holes of ideas that I wouldn’t have otherwise thought of. It wasted a lot of my time, I cant state that enough,  but it was better than scrolling late at night on IG I guess.

It was good at making  the actual posts for IG after we laid out the entire campaign and made all the images. At that point it had all the facts and could think much quicker than I to regurgitate them into snappy, on brand verbiage. And those posts were easy and quick to edit to keep really accurate.

I am enamored with the result and of course none of this would be possible without my human team so a big shoutout especially to Valeria (who is not a bot but Crespo’s social media master) for making these weird things into fun reels that you can see in action on Crespo Organic Instagram page @CrespoOrganic.

In the end AI turned out to be one of the best assistants I’ve ever had, and I think it has its place—like with this Super Bowl mango showdown we just did.

Read below what IT thinks I think about the experience and what it thinks I sound and look like]